Poster design for drama short film 'All Silent Dogs' written and directed by Natalia Stawyskyj festival run at Sydney Film Festival and beyond.
"Subtle kaleidoscope and glow effects are designed to give the poster a nostalgic, otherworldly feel."
'All Silent Dogs' is a short drama film about Ylva (Julia Savage), a teenage girl who must make a choice: give up her ability to transform into a dog or face the societal consequences of keeping it. Ylva travels between a sterile modern home and an entrancing forest throughout the film as she struggles with her decision.
I was able to talk through design ideas with Natalia as she moved through the post-production process to get a clear idea of the film's visual style. I researched the film festivals Natalia planned to submit to. This helped me understand what they were looking for in submissions and factor this into the design. After going through the film's rushes I combined some selected shots together with visual effects to create the final poster art.