Brand redesign, album covers and social media posts for Bards for Hire, a company that creates personalised songs based on tabletop role-playing games and shares their original music on Spotify.
Bards for Hire is a new business based in Australia that brings together musicians, troubadours, performers and vagabonds, from Australia, Spain, Canada, Germany, United Kingdom and The United States to turn customers descriptions of tabletop role-playing characters into personalised songs. Musical genres vary from song to song to suit the character's story. The Bards for Hire discography is released on Spotify.
Bards for Hire posed a unique design challenge. Each song needs its own unique album cover to match the personalised nature of the songs, but all the album covers need to be visually linked to create a cohesive brand. After many discussions with founder Davey Seagle, I developed a new brand concept building on his existing logo by adding a colour palette, textures, fonts and style guide. I designed a template with consistent elements to apply to all album covers and every time a new song is completed I design an original symbol to match to add a tailored element to match each song's story.