Poster design for romantic comedy short film 'The Duke and the Raja' story by Ricky James and directed by Oren Lavie for international festival distribution.
'The Duke and the Raja' is a short romantic comedy about the occupants of two paintings in an art gallery exhibition who unexpectedly fall in love. The film combines clever production design with sophisticated in camera effects to bring the paintings of the art gallery and their love story to life.
After working as First Assistant Director on 'The Duke and the Raja' I was able to go into the poster design process with a clear understanding of Director Oren Lavie's original vision for the project, and the story that Producer Ricky James wanted to showcase for audience. James described how he wanted the poster to feel elegant and luxurious, so I used gold leaf for the title and edited production behind the scenes stills to highlight the rich colours and gold detailing in the leading cast's costuming.
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