Film campaign for the film adaptation of Patti Smith's award-winning book 'Just Kids' with handmade elements to allude to Patti’s gritty and quintessentially New York story.
"I used coffee-stained paper, coffee grounds, paint and glue to build a 3D textured map of Manhattan, where city where Patti Smith began making art."
As part of my graphic design studies at Shillington, I designed posters and social media marketing materials for the film adaptation of 'Just Kids' by Patti Smith. 'Just Kids' is a memoir Smith used to document her relationship with famous photographer Robert Mapplethorpe and how she began her artistic career in New York City.
The book really resonated with me as a creative, and I re-read the book to pull out details about Patti and her life. Crafting the map from coffee grounds and stained paper was an experimental process and took hours to complete. The coffee ground flowers are based on flowers that Robert Mapplethorpe shot as a photographer. Portions of the map were applied to instagram stories, posts and posters.
"Typography was carefully sourced to match the coffee aesthetic and bring to mind Patti Smith's elegant writing style."
*Shillington Education Student Project*